That window of time during which I have both the energy and mental acuity to...
Staying home from Mass today, drinking coffee and taking care of my wife who...
For those keeping score, I got 7.5 hours of sleep last night.
So off and on throughout the day I've been exploring a multi-featured web...
Enjoying a quiet, relaxing Thanksgiving Day.
So I'm ending this day on a sad note.
Last night's sleep was short, only 4 hrs.
Listening to Monday Night Football back in the home office while Sylvia is out...
Watching the 1st NFL game of the afternoon, cheering on the Indianapolis Colts.
A cold (for us) gray and rainy day here, perfect for staying in, listening to...
Late afternoon Friday and all is well.
And a long, but relatively easy day draws to a close.
Today was long but well-paced and productive.
This has been a very good Tuesday.
In spite of the massive insomnia that preceded it, yesterday turned out to be a...
Got to sleep early, ~9:30 PM.
For those who have been keeping score, my current thinking is that I will keep...
After a quiet morning at home, Sylvia fixed me a big breakfast as she likes to...
Have been taking steps to eliminate my WordPress blog.
So I've trimmed some branches off a big tree in the back yard already this...