Guidelines for Writing Consistently on a Personal Blog
I have been meaning to be consistent with my blog. But, never passed a week or so! It's the age-old problem of not knowing what to write about after a certain number of blog posts.
Last year (in 2020), I came across Michael Wade's blog when I was searching for inspiration to write more in my blog. Michael had an inspirational post on some ground rules for new bloggers. I thoroughly enjoyed the post and tend to revisit it every now and then for inspiration and motivation.
The top 3 Rules I really liked are:
Determine your theme. This is a key rule for me that will make me write more. Some of my interests revolve around reading, productivity, religion, intentional living, history, food, travel to name a few. At the moment, I want to explore my interests and maybe settle on a major theme in the new year 2022?
Try to post every day. I have always wanted to do it. I assumed it to be to write, edit and post every day. But, it doesn't have to be like that. I can batch the writing process and schedule one post a day.
Don't blog when you are tired or angry. This might be obvious but I have seen blogs that seem to be written by an angry author. If you feel the need to write then use pen and paper. Paper will listen to you better than people.
— Ridwan
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