Finding QAnon
I came to know about this notorious disinformation-spreading far-right group after the Captiol Hill attack on January 6, 2021. Conspirators and Far-Right Extremists like these are allowed to operate freely in the name of free speech. These groups cause mayhem and chaos in our communities. Yet, they will be allowed to operate by the government because they are useful to the politicians for their political gains.
I listened to Finding Q on Audible over the past few days. It’s a riveting investigative journey by journalist Nicky Woolf in his quest to find who is Q? I think Nicky has kind of identified who Q is but what is the use? Even if all this information is shared with the authorities, are they going to take action? I don’t think so!
Finding Q is an excellent production and deserves our attention and praise.
I highly recommend it and encourage you to give it a go.
Written on: 2022-03-12
— Ridwan
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