Weekly Promises 1:
Fri Jan 20, 2023 thru Thur Jan 26, 2023
My weeks start on Fridays and end the following Thursday
a. do pullup exercises 2 times this week by Wed Jan25
b. go for a run 2 times this week by Wed Jan25
c. take the Trek to get repaired by Sat Jan21, so I can bike to work
d. low-sugar, low-fat fuel this entire week. (no chips, cookies, cakes, sodas)
but yes to oatmeal, protein powder, and peanut butter: for 5 days this
week with a minimum of 2 cheat daysCareer/Finance/Business:
a. earmark $800 to savings by Wed Jan25
b. create a daily fiscal tracker to track every dollar spent/saved/allocated by
Sat Jan21
c. Apply to 3 part-time jobs by Wed Jan25
d. Get in touch with Financial Loan People by Tues Jan24
e. Research 30 minutes a day on Green/Sustainability side
hustle/businesses by Wed Jan25.- Relationship/Friends/Family
a. daily clean the house, daily sweep, every other day mop, tidy and
organize downstairs and upstairs,
b. hangout with Mady for 1 hour this week, play games, and cook together,
by Wed Jan 25
c. continue to create a harmonious home by taking interest in Michelle, and
Brenna for a minimum of 30 minutes by Wed Jan25
d. go kayaking/hiking/play chess social activities with friends by Thurs Jan26
- Relationship/Friends/Family
a. look for volunteer opportunities by Thur Jan26Personal Growth/Spiritual
a. do morning Zazen, 3 times this week by Thurs Jan26
b. Practice Yoga/QiGong/Meditation min 3 times this week by Wed Jan25