I hate having to earn money to pay bills. Fucking capitalism, I swear to god.
I'm so tired of being made to deal with family drama that does not involve me.
The best birthday gift I can give to my husband is the news that I am pregnant.
7 weeks.
Last day of July.
I made bad choices these past few days.
I want to stop taking meds.
Being away from social media has made me question who I really am.
Tomorrow, February ends.
It sucks to be poor.
Can’t believe it’s already February.
I just woke up and my mom decided to again tell me what went wrong at home...
Your condition won’t improve unless your eating does.
Took another test. Still negative.
So sad. So unmotivated. Why am I feeling like this again?
Our Beloved Summer is by far the most disappointing K-drama I’ve seen recently.
My body was like, “If you’re not gonna eat properly, I’ll force you to.”
Rather than posting on Twitter or Instagram, I will be posting here.