"The sun sets, we ride!”
"For the twelve days of Christmas my lover gave to me a bunch of birds.
"If a person looks up at the sky, and imagines a better world, a better way of...
"Why wouldn’t you assent to this? That’s just ego!”
"We’re sorry son, we couldn’t get you a new liver for Christmas.
An empty suit of knightly armor decorates the halls of a forgotten mansion.
"What is the meaning of life?” the sentient pebble asked.
"Are you ready for another adventure?” Ms. Frizzle said.
“This is fantastic!” the man said, adjusting his monocle.
The living always smile,
An ornery ocean batters the trunk of a vacant lighthouse.
"I love the smell of mushrooms and onions.”
“I aimed for the moon, ended up hitting the stars.”
"I do think fear is a seasonal thing,” the woman said.
"What an absurd creature!” the disciple, a pebble, exclaimed.
"For all the things I know, for all the things I see, I still haven’t figured...
In the corner of an icy— tenebrous— prison cell, there’s a brightened nook.
"You know, philosophy is kinda useless.”
Mama bear and her cub have been paddling for three days straight.