"So you wish for more dead children?
“And what’s the point of the world without me in it?
"And here before you, is the brightest lamp in the world,” the guide whispered.
“Are you saying that even when it comes to revenge, you’re just that much more...
“So would you rather have the last thing you see on this earth be an Excel...
"Only I can save you from that other dude that convinced you that only he could...
\Ding dong\
"Baaa! I beat my lip!" The toddler screamed, her open mouth filled with halfway...
"Well, death is nothing but another journey," the man said, staring at the...
"So, how may I help you today?" the manager asked.
"Dinner is ready!" mom shouted from the kitchen.
A priest, a rabbi and a giraffe enter a bar.
"Last week I noticed a weird lump under my armpit."
"Who would've thought your kind would outlive mine?
The five o'clock alarm rang.
"Daddy, where do people go after they die?"
"May I have the time?"
"You don't have to go home but you can't stay here."
"Welcome to earth's favorite talk show! I'm your host Orion Vega and tonight we...
"Your honor, members of the jury, please consider the following." The lawyer...