make image, make sense
Brunetti - Cartooning 1.2, in which we quickly scribble 40 comics and cartoon characters
Cartooning - Brunetti 1.1
De blog heet Bildung want:
Remixing images from a Hildegard von Bingen manuscript.
Gerry McGovern asks:
Parallelle procesdocumentatie
Dag Herma
Release day
Teuntje tekent, Melle graaft
A post created through email
Rhizomatic cataloguing
The work today was about taking care of a dying friend.
Zoveel liefde te geven, met
My best artist friend is dying.
Losbladig, in serie
Digitaal erfgoed
Mentoring is learning
Core priorities
De Streek / The Stroke
Subatomic particle tracks