The personal blog of Justin Ferriman

Baby Shower in CT

A new addition to the family is almost here.

Lorena and I just visited Connecticut, this time the trip was for her older sister's baby shower. Our visit was short, a little less than a week.

It was great to see everyone, including her cousin and her family, who came from Chicago. What's wild is that I realized this is the first baby shower I have ever been to (it only took me 40 years).

I have this weird way of noticing β€œends” and β€œbeginnings” in life. Once the baby is here, it marks the end of an era in a way, and the beginning of a newer, bigger family. Our nephew is happy too for the changed because it means that he finally gets that younger brother that he has wanted.

We are now getting ready for our trip to Sedona, Arizona. It's the first trip of the year, and first one in a long time, that is just for us.
