The personal blog of Justin Ferriman


We do it every day. It's the slow, steady, reliable rhythm of our lives.

We do it all the time without thinking, but when our breathing is off, like when fighting a cold, we notice it. We try everything to get it back to normal. Back to the point where we don't notice it again.

Have you taken time recently to notice your breath? I mean, really notice it? The way your chest rises, or stomach fills up and the slow and steady exhale. The air, is it warm? Or is it cool? Do you fill up your entire lungs, or is your breathing shallow?

Your breath says a lot about you. It can also be used to ease your mind.

Use Breathing to Quiet Your Mind

Our days are full of events, reactions, thoughts, and feelings. These swirl in our heads every second of every minute. From the moment we wake up, to the moment we close our eyes to sleep, our minds never stop. Depending on the thoughts we have, this can become tiring. We get worn out.

Focusing on your breath can quiet your mind, and help to alleviate your stress. I promise you, after just 10 quiet minutes where you focus on your breathing, you'll feel a new sense of calm.

How To Do It

  1. Find a quiet space.
  2. Close your eyes, and take a deep breath through your nose.
  3. Let it out through your mouth, slowly.
  4. Repeat this process three or four times.
  5. Return to normal breathing.

Don't try to change your breathing at this point. Just keep it steady, simple, and normal paced.

Stay Focused on Your Breath

Now, as you breathe normally, think about how the air fills your lungs. Take note of where you feel it in your body. Is it your chest rising? Or, do you feel it in the stomach? What is the temperature of the air on the way in, versus on the way out?

Just notice these things. Don't think about them, simply observe.

If you find that your mind is starting to wander, don't get upset. It happens to everyone. Just gently bring your attention back to your breathing.

You can also count the breaths. The inhale is one, then the exhale is two. Inhale again is three, then the exhale is four. Count to 10, and start again at one. This helps you to keep your focus on breathing.

Commit Daily

Just like you make a point to work out, set aside some time for your mental health each day.

I've been getting a lot of benefit doing this every day, for 10-15 minutes at a time. Every time I think it won't change much, but when I'm done, I feel more at ease.
