The personal blog of Justin Ferriman

Taking Politics in Doses

I need a break from the everyday insanity.

I need a break from all things politics. πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«

I don't know about you, but I find it incredibly exhausting seeing the headlines and outrage every day. I've been keeping tabs on all the executive actions, congress inaction, court cases and more. Lorena and I have donated to organizations that litigate against the current administration's nonconstitutional edicts, and we support independent liberal content creators.

But day after day watching our democracy getting ripped apart, and it's starting to impact my mental health. So, before it gets any worse, I'm taking a step back to catch my breath.

For starters, I am:

  1. Turning off my Bluesky's β€œTrending” feature
  2. Staying off of my Mastodon account
  3. Using my other YoutTube account
  4. Muting political words/topics on Bluesky

Someone on Bluesky recommended that I also check out the Freedom App, which helps you to limit time on certain apps (such as social media). I'll look into this during my current break as well.

The plan is to go a week without getting caught up in the day-to-day of the political shit show that we have in this country. I'll be back with more energy and a clearer mind. At whic point, I'll keep donating, and I'll keep speaking up. Fascism simply cannot win.
