There was a popular teen magazine that I read when I was in elementary.
My neighbor taught us how to steal money from our parents.
Most of the time, I don't feel like I'm informed enough about a particular...
Still angry since yesterday as I saw someone said people working in helping...
I decide that Life of Sin pt.2 is the best out of the 6. Then pt.4.
When I was 16, my sister's friend asked her: "Does Son still say inappropriate...
What's up with people who publicize every little detail about their lives on...
And people said it was supposed to happen because I was growing up.
This is not even age-appropriate.
♫ Each shade of blue is kept in our eyes ♫
I know your big secret.
I need to learn some new ways to express my normal daily activities to normal...
Okay so I have several new clues.
Hehe. See you later.
I can't even swim.
So, another piece of the puzzle.
*only hate teachers, not tutor.
It's embarrassing at this point that I introduced my friends to the movement.
Porter's self-centeredness in recent songs is about as subtle as my 3D model of...
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