§87 “The question is how to get the 2 books done.”
§86 “But enough, enough—yet of what should I write here except my writing?”
§85 “But how entirely I live in my imagination…”
§84 “How I scribble; & what use will this be for my great memoir writing age?”
“it took me almost a year, but I’ve finally figured it out”
“Suppose one can keep the quality of a sketch in a finished & composed work?”
“if this book proves anything, it proves that I can only write along those lines, & shall never desert them, but explore further & further, & shall, heaven be praised, never bore myself an instant”
“so my diary will be defrauded, stifled by too much life. The unrecorded clogs my pen”
“I feel as if I had loosed the bonds pretty completely & could pour everything in.”
“Well, I will make a brief beginning—after 3 weeks silence. But it has not been silence at all.”
“We make patterns of pretty words?”
“I’m writing too much here.”
“I’ve a thousand things to do. I’m so busy I can’t begin…”
“I may have found my mine this time I think. I may get all my gold out.”
“At any rate the reading for this blessed book is a great source of delight to me.”
“I like being natural, & talking nonsense if I’ve a mind”
“I don’t like being in any way deflected from my comfortable ways, when it comes to writing.”
“Undoubtedly my chief prop is my writing, which cant fail me here or in…”
“So in spite of a clouded brain, upstairs, fetch the books, & begin”
This year is almost certainly bound to be the most eventful in the whole of our (recorded) career.