I dont know if this is my last chance writing, or …
unable to do anything, tormented by the desire to do everything
hardly any time left for personal work
unable to settle in; therefore I write diary [sic.]
Yet I really must write a book about facts once in a way. And I cant keep grinding at fiction, which however goes easier this last lap than before.
Nothing runs away with time like these house dreams … This is for the eternal book.
I could write something much better, if I gave up a little more time to it.
so never, never stop working with brains or fingers or toes till your limbs fly asunder & the heart sprays off into dust
Evidently there is a taste in boots.
Thus I can realize my boyhood dreams of writing a serial novel
but any thought of going public, of coming out, and I’m looking for excuses, limits, obstacles
but I’m all sandy with writing criticism, & must be off to my book again