Words, lead me where you will
Words, where do you want to lead me?
(Streaming out of my fingertips
To this blog post)
Words, where do you want to go?
Too tired for deep musings about life
Or wry observations about my day;
Not angry enough to vent
Or scream about the state of the world.
Oh no, what's that I hear?
A cry from the bedroom!
Pause. Wait.
Will there be another?
Will this stream of consciousness be interrupted
By the needs of the babe?
It seems we are safe for now Words,
As babe slumbers on –
But alas, you want to leave me (fickle muse!),
Alone in a quiet room late at night,
Lights dimmed, rain outside.
Perhaps a wee dram
And a book instead!
Or off to bed
Perchance to dream
Of Words?
Entry 36 of my participation in the “100 Days to Offload” challenge – find out more and join in!
2020-10-08 #100DaysToOffload #poetry
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