The Importance of Being Authorised
This is what "no-code" should look like — Notion
Standards, the Importance of Standards
New homes for judgements in the UK... and Singapore?
A very, very expensive ordeal
Let the Robots do the talking — Exploring TTS
Do coders need to learn to law?
Data Protection in Singapore Strikes a Balance
Three Things: Jigyasa
How I Migrated My Docassemble Server From AWS to DigitalOcean
The Chimaera of the Test Case
The Banality of Evil
Will Increased Penalties Lead to Greater Compliance With the PDPA?
Toying around with Hugging Face transformers and PDPC decisions
Presenting: The PDPC Decision Star Map (Version 2)
NUS cases show why judge analytics is needed in Singapore
The PDPA gets Personal
Making sense of the latest PDPA amendments to the Consent Obligation
Who wants to do an E-Will?
Mining PDFs to obtain better text from Decisions