Hello tutor from yesterday.
I got home 11 hours ago.
Now that I officially overcame my distasteful disease, I’m free to get stuck at...
Now I think about that thing again.
Ever seen someone going out of their way to kill people with kindness and then...
On the other hand, reading that story about European priests on World News as a...
There was a popular teen magazine that I read when I was in elementary.
My neighbor taught us how to steal money from our parents.
Most of the time, I don't feel like I'm informed enough about a particular...
Still angry since yesterday as I saw someone said people working in helping...
I decide that Life of Sin pt.2 is the best out of the 6. Then pt.4.
When I was 16, my sister's friend asked her: "Does Son still say inappropriate...
What's up with people who publicize every little detail about their lives on...
And people said it was supposed to happen because I was growing up.
This is not even age-appropriate.
♫ Each shade of blue is kept in our eyes ♫
I know your big secret.
I need to learn some new ways to express my normal daily activities to normal...
Okay so I have several new clues.
⇠ Older
Newer ⇢