I often start celebrating on the first day back to work after holidays.
Hehe. I just found out one more thing.
Burned my tongue drinking coffee.
Object relationers sound really corny when they say "Narcissistically...
I know many people are badly trained but even in the basic conversation among...
If ignoring someone is bullying, I bullied around at least a few hundred people.
Unlike people who have done nothing but kindness keep getting pushed around by...
Hello morning!
The thing about lucid dream is it’s often an accident to a normal person.
I couldn't talk about my problem before to anyone because people who never went...
Why is it all my dreams about food stopped before I had the chance to taste it?
People count someone ignoring them as bullying then spread the myth that all...
Love is only special when you hate the rest of the population.
Prison Break was petty hip-hop.
The reason for disability communism is, it promises us a world where profit is...
Was listening to "Decoding The Guru" the other day while cooking out of sheer...
What do you think about my story the other day?
Once again, I accidentally solved a case that's not even mine.
Goodnight tutor.
Here is a story for today:
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