or when it’s ancient outside.
Okay I let you know how I look when it's 2°C outside.
All the self-help books don't help them to have a self either.
College graduates all say microeconomics works wonders, macroeconomics works...
Today is done. See you tomorrow.
Oh it was my dad who made all my leather backpacks.
It's not my fault that I still look good anyway.
No I buy cheap clothes from local stores now.
I know some of you get all salty capitalists get a huge cut for doing nothing.
They just banned private tutoring here because the kids get too competitive...
I guess home is indeed superior because it doesn't disagree with you.
The irony of forced intimacy is when "But it's their home" is supposed to be...
The equivalence of "doctors don't let their kids consume too much medicine" in...
So one of the hallmarks of narcissism is grandiose fantasy that doesn't...
♫ koe wo kikaseteeeeeeeeeeeeee ♪
The problem with behaviorists is sometimes they are extremely helpful with...
Now I can't drink.
Oh I'm sorry I can't tell the difference between an academic researcher...
Activists have no shame calling themselves hyper empathetic, but freak out when...
Analysts embarrass themselves every time they try to apply neutrality to real...
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