Okay I think I found another piece of the puzzle.
Desperate Housewives is actually a good show and psychologically correct,...
Realize I still have a French house playlist so I don't have to listen to "They...
I like autumn.
On the other hand, being highly agreeable is not all that socially profitable...
It all started with a group of teenage girls who wanted to prove that "kill...
On the topic of receiving bad treatment, I almost got someone expelled in 10th...
Give you this candy 🍭
So in 9th grade, my sadistic classmate said this to my face: "I saw your mom at...
00110101 00110000 00101011 00110100 00110111 00110011
Half of the childhood was spent on arguing with my sister about our different...
The internet is great. Would have had zero friends without it.
Waking up in an unusual hour and seeing your friends on Yahoo chat online too.
Came out to one of my friends from junior high few years ago, to which he said...
Too many times I hear people comment on people with splitting behaviors...
Back in the early 2000s, a publisher actually sent me a letter.
See you in the math class.
Also, geography classes made the best dreams.
I had to learn a better sleep schedule for my health because I'm responsible...
I wasn't an environmentalist. My friends didn't know they were from trash.
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