It was very annoying in junior high that your classmates started to identify...
I can’t sleep. But probably will eventually.
Hello tutor. I’m having my morning snack.
Calculating how to get the best deal at the supermarket before it closes...
I'm surprised to see people describing machine as kind, caring, passionate,...
Therapists use the words “internalized ableism” while worrying marginalized...
Apparently too many people function on moralizing defense so the default...
Oh here’s another one for you. Goodnight.
Growing up in a developing country, while reading a lot, you could see for...
Extremely paranoid people can look like visionaries because they have a...
Hihi. See you soon.
Of course I used to really like astrology so my mind wasn't all there either.
All self-proclaimed body language experts I know in real life, turn out, in...
You are all body language experts now but wait till season 3 Making a Murderer...
Asian hip-hop was rarely about drugs or having questionable alternative...
Gute nacht, Einen Fuß Drei Zoll.
Oh hey guten morgen.
The word "empathy" hardly blends in most normal conversations because it's too...
Hihi goodnight. See you later.
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