A blog about styling, patterning and making stays and corsets for modern, historical and fantasy looks.
1 Corset, 4 styles:
5 Ideas to Style a Corset
Using Heat Shrink tubing for boning tips
Corsets as a Scrap Buster project
Style a Corset with a dress
Iron on embroidery to enhance a corset
How to Style A Corset with a Long Skirt
Style a Corset with a Miniskirt (Parisol Optional)
Guest Posts Wanted!
Reflections on our first photoshoot
When wearing a Corset to a Rennasanse Faire
Renaissance Faire outfit inspiration from an unpleasant source
Using a Projector for Corset Making or other sewing
Corset-making tools for beginners - Sewing Machine
How to make a corset on a tight budget
Adding loops to a Corset for a hanger in your closet
It makes me confident in how my body looks and feels...
Unconvential Corset boning options and recommendations
How to press a curve into a corset
Choosing the right fabric for corset making